Maloof Lab Databases

Arabidopsis seeds (internal only ask Kazu to access)

Tomato seeds (internal only ask Kazu to access)

Glycerol stock of plasmids and strains (internal only ask Kazu to access)

Maloof lab oligo (internal only ask Kazu to access)(Find "oligos" under "Maloof Lab Common" in Projects at

Maloof lab order history (internal only ask Jiadong to access)

Maloof lab ordering form (internal only ask Jiadong to access)


plasmid construction (Use

Maloof lab oligo search (Use

Gene structure and oligo position visualization
Assembling Sanger DNA sequence data


SLiCE (Seamless L i gation Cloning Extract)
Homemade taq system
Tomato Seed Collection

plant DNA extraction1 For 1.5 ml tube or 96 well plates (Gasser Lab protocol via Rod Kumimoto) dna_prep_from_Rod.doc

plant DNA extraction2 For 96 well plates(CTAB Method)

plant DNA precipitation For 96 well plates (With glycogen)


Ultra-competent E coli (Inoue Method)
Cell transformation DH5α chemically-competent
Agrobacterium transformation Agrobacterium (Freeze-Thaw method)
Cleaning ball bearings
Arabidopsis seed sterilization
Miniprep using Promega reagents but not the columns
Miniprep solutions recipes
MS Plate Recipes for plant growth ExoSAP PCR cleanup for sequencing
Seed Storage
Eleven Golden Rules of qRTPCR Uvardi et al. Trizol Extraction
Tomato Seed Collection TMV treatment and sterilization


Electrophoresis Buffers
Loading Dye and 1kb Ladder
PCR Supplies Taq, Buffer, and MgCl2

Undergrad Instructions

Scripts, instructions and miscellaneous

Epson scanner
LI1800 light meter
Black Comet light meter Black_Comet_V1.doc

Sequence analysis with Benchling
Analyzing luminiscence over time with ImageJ
Hypocotyl measurement with ImageJ
Maloof and Harmer Primer Database Search (Only internal users)
Patricias Motif search (Only internal users)
Maloof Gene Expression Plot Tool in different tissues for M82 vs PEN (Only internal users)
Maloof Gene Expression Plot Tool for M82, PEN, HAB & PIM (Only internal users)
Printing Laser Tough Tag Settings
Printing barcodes
PDA measurement system
Measuring time-lapse hypocotyl movies with ImageJ
Earth champion instructions